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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Staying Fire Safe in Your Backyard | SERVPRO of Tri-County

6/3/2024 (Permalink)

burgers over open flame grill Gather around the grill, but don't forget about fire safety! Follow these tips from SERVPRO of Tri-County to ensure a fun and safe night.
The Importance of Fire Safety in Outdoor Spaces

As the weather warms up, many homeowners are eager to spend time outdoors, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. However, it’s crucial to remember that with the beauty of outdoor living comes the responsibility of fire safety. At SERVPRO of Tri-County, we’re passionate about helping homeowners stay safe and protected, both inside and outside their homes.

According to a study conducted by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a significant number of fires originate in outdoor spaces such as yards, patios, and decks. These fires can result from various causes, including improperly disposed of cigarettes, unattended bonfires, and malfunctioning outdoor cooking equipment.

Another study published in the Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering highlights the importance of fire safety education and awareness in reducing the risk of outdoor fires. By taking proactive measures and implementing proper safety practices, homeowners can significantly lower the likelihood of fire-related incidents in their backyard.

Tips for Fire Safety in Your Outdoor Space
  1. Clear Surroundings: Keep your outdoor area clear of dry leaves, grass, and other flammable materials that could easily ignite.

  2. Properly Dispose of Ashes: If you have a fire pit or outdoor fireplace, ensure that ashes are completely extinguished and properly disposed of in a metal container.

  3. Use Caution with Outdoor Cooking: Whether you’re grilling or using a fire pit for cooking, always supervise the flames and keep a fire extinguisher nearby.

  4. Install Fire-Resistant Features: Consider using fire-resistant materials for outdoor furniture, decking, and landscaping to minimize fire risk.

  5. Regular Maintenance: Inspect and clean outdoor cooking equipment, such as grills and smokers, regularly to prevent buildup and malfunctions.

By following these simple yet effective tips, homeowners can create a safer outdoor environment for themselves, their families, and their neighbors.

Stay Safe with SERVPRO®

At SERVPRO of Tri-County, we understand the importance of fire safety in every aspect of homeownership. Whether you need tips for preventing fires or assistance with fire damage restoration, our team is here to help. Visit our website to learn more about our services and how we can support you in staying fire safe this season.

Visit SERVPRO of Tri-County for more information and expert assistance in fire safety and restoration.

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